Do you need quick cash to take advantage of a business opportunity, afford a down payment on a house or pay tuition or medical bills? When the paperwork for a traditional bank loan takes too long, turn to Capetown Capital Lenders to make your watch collection work for you. You could sell your watch collection and say goodbye to pieces you’ve curated carefully over the years. Or, if you’re not ready to sell your watches, you can use your collection to get an asset-based loan from Capetown Capital Lenders. You’ll get the money you need and retain ownership of your collection.
When you get a loan from Capetown Capital Lenders, you can receive up to $1,000,000 in 24 hours or less. We don’t ask for credit checks or income guarantees — the value of your property is enough of a guarantee for us. Providing documentation for a traditional bank loan slows the process down, and might cause you to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.
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